Team Cerro Nara Council (TCNC)

Everyone in Solidarity

Our council is specifically tasked with governing all aspects of Team Cerro Nara. It consists of any given number of sworn in members that have the time to be at meetings and vote on important amendments to the mission, governance, programs, and projects of Team Cerro Nara.

How TCNC was Founded

The council was founded on April 1st, 2020 during the beginning of the Covid 19 lockdown. A think tank was established between friends of Bobby DR Buckter, who decided it was a good time to complete his plans of making an environmental nonprofit. The name comes from Mount Cerro Nara in Costa Rica, to which he part of a conservationist association and owns much land.


As of 2021 TCNC operates both in California and Costa Rica through a nonprofit internationally.